Saturday, 12 March 2016


The general valence shell electronic configuration of p-block elements ns2 np1-6
Group 15 elements ; N, P, As, Sb & Bi
General electronic configuration: ns2np3
Ø        Dinitrogen is a diatomic gas while all others are solids.
Ø        N & P are non-metals. As & Sb metalloids & Bi is a metals. This is due to decrease in ionization enthalpy & increase in atomic size.
Ø        Electronegativity decreases down the group.
o Common oxidation states : -3, +3 & +5.
o        Due to inert pair effect, the stability of +5 state decreases down the group & stability of +3 state increases .
o        In the case of Nitrogen all Oxidation states from +1 to +4 tend to disproportionate in acid solution , e.g.:- 3HNO2→HNO3 + H2O + 2NO
Anomalous behavior of Nitrogen:- due to its small size, high electronegativity, high ionization enthalpy and absence of d-orbital.
N2 has unique ability to form pπ-pπ multiple bonds whereas the heavier element of this group do not form pπ–pπ bond because their atomic orbitals are so large & diffuse that they cannot have effective overlapping.
Nitrogen exists as diatomic molecule with triple bond between the two N atoms whereas other elements form single bonds in elemental state.
N cannot form dπ-pπ bond due to the non-availability of d-orbitals whereas other elements can.

Stability - NH3>PH3>AsH3>SbH3>BiH3
Bond Dissociation Enthalpy- NH3>PH3>AsH3>SbH3>BiH3
Reducing character - NH3<PH3<AsH3<SbH3<BiH3
Basic character- NH3>PH3>AsH3>SbH3>BiH3
Acidic character- N2O3>P2O3>As2O3>Sb2O3>Bi2O3


·      Commercial preparation –By the liquefaction & fractional distillation of air.
·      Laboratory preparation –By treating an aqueous solution NH4Cl with sodium nitrate . NH4Cl +NaNO2→ N2 + 2H2O + NaCl
·      Thermal decomposition of ammonium dichromate also give N2.   (NH4)2Cr2O7 → N2 +4H2O + Cr2O3
·      Thermal decomposition of Barium or Sodium azide gives very pure N2.
At high temperature nitrogen combines with metals to form ionic nitride (Mg3N2) & with non-metals, covalent nitride.
Ø        In laboratory it is prepared by heating ammonium salt with NaOH or lime.   2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2→2NH3+2H2O + CaCl2
In large scale it is manufactured by Haber ’s process
                                                  N2+3H2→ 2NH3
                             ∆H0= - 46.1kJ/mol
According to   Le chatelier’s  principle  the  favourable conditions are:-

Optimum temperature: 700 K  High pressure: 200 atm
                      Catalyst: Iron Oxides
                           Promoter: K2O & Al2O3

Ammonia is a colorless gas with pungent odour.
Highly soluble in water.
In solids & liquid states it exists as an associated molecule due to hydrogen bonding which accounts for high melting & boiling points of NH3
Trigonal Pyramidal shape of NH3 molecule

Oxidation state
Chemical nature

Nitrous oxide or

Laughing gas

Nitric oxide


Dinitrogen trioxide


Dinitrogen tetra oxide
N2O4or NO2


Dinitrogen pentaoxide


Aqueous solution of ammonia is weakly basic due to the formation of OH- ion .
ZnSO4+ 2NH4OH→Zn(OH)2+ (NH4)2SO4
Ammonia can form coordinate bonds by donating its lone on nitrogen, ammonia forms complexes.
CuSO4+4NH3     →   [Cu(NH3)4]2SO4

Ostwald’s process it is based on catalytic oxidation of ammonia by atmospheric oxygen . The main steps are
1)       4NH3 + 5O2
 4NO + 6H2O

500k, 9 Bar

2)                2NO+O2 → 2NO2
3)      3NO2 + H2O  → 2HNO3 +NO

(i)     Conc. HNO3 is a strong oxidizing agent & attacks most  of metals. 
(ii)   Cr & Al do not dissolve in HNO3 because of the formation of a possive film of oxide on the surface.
(iii) It oxidizes non-metals like I2 to HIO3, C to CO2 , S to H2SO4
(iv) Brown ring test is used to detect NO3-.

ALLOTROPIC FORMS:  White , red,  α-black & β-black .
White phosphorous is more reactive than red phosphorous because white P exists as discrete P4 molecules, in red Phosphorus several P4 molecules are linked to formed polymeric chain.

Preparation: It is prepared in laboratory by heating white P with concentrated NaOH solution in an Inert atmosphere of CO2.
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O → PH3 + 3NaH2PO2
Phosphorous forms two types of halides PX3 & PX5 (X=F,I,Br)
Trihalides have pyramidal shape and pentahalides have trigonal bipyramidal structure.
·      The acids in +3 oxidation state disproportionate to higher & lower oxidation. 4H3PO3→ 3H3PO4+PH3
·      Acids which contains P-H bond have strong reducing, H3PO3 are reducing agents due to presence of P-H bonds.
·      Hydrogen atom which are attached with oxygen in P-OH form are ionisable and are responsible for the basicity of the acid .
Group 16 Elements:- O,S,Se,Te,Po
General electronic configuration:ns2np4
Element           Occurrence

Oxygen                   Comprises 20.946% by volume of the atmosphere.

Sulphur                    As sulphates such as gypsum CaSO4.2H2O,Epsom salt MgSO4.7H2O and Sulphides
Such as galena PbS, Zinc Blende ZnS, Copper Pyrites CuFeS2


·      Ionisation enthalpy decreases from oxygen to polonium.
·      Oxygen atom has less negative electron gain enthalpy than S because of the compact nature of the oxygen atom.However from the S onwards the value again becomes less negative upto polonium
·      Electronegativity gradually decreases from oxygen to polonium, metallic character increases from oxygen to polonium.
·      Oxygen & S are non-metals, selenium and telerium are metalloids. Po is a radioactive metal.
·      Oxygen is a diatomic gas while S, Se & Te are octa atomic S8 ,Se8 & Te8 molecules which has puckered ’ ring’ structure.
·      Common oxidation state:-  -2,+2,+4 &+6.
·      Due to inert effect,the stability of +6 decreases down the group and stability of +4 increases.
Oxygen exhibits +1 state in O2F2, +2 in OF2.
Anamolous behavior of oxygen-due to its small size, high electronegativity and absence of d-orbitals.
Acidic character-H2O<H2S<H2Se<H2Te
Thermal stability-H2O>H2S>H2Se>H2Te
Reducing character-H2S<H2Se<H2Te
Boiling point-H2S<H2Se<H2Te<H2O
Reducing property of dioxides-SO2>SeO2>TeO2
Stability of halides-F>Cl>Br>I

DI HALIDES: sp3 hybridisation but angular structure.
TETRA HALIDES: sp3d hybridisation-see-saw geometry SF4
HEXA HALIDES: sp3d2,octahedral  SF6
Prepared by heating oxygen containing salts like chlorates, nitrates
2KClO3       heat2KCl+3O2
A binary compound of oxygen with another element is called oxide. Oxides can be classified on the basis of nature.
·      Acidic Oxides :- Non-metallic oxides. Aqueous solutions are acids. Neutralize bases to form salts.Ex: SO2, CO2, N2O5 etc.
·      Basic Oxides: Metallic oxides. Aqueous solutions are alkalies. Neutralize acids to form salts.Ex:Na2O, K2O etc.
·      Amphoteric oxides:-some metallic oxides exhibit a dual behavior. Neutralize both
acids & bases to form salts.    Ex:-Al2O3, SbO2, SnO, etc.
Prepared  by subjecting cold, dry oxygen to silent electric discharge.
                   3O2    →     2O3
Due to the ease with which it liberates atoms of nascent oxygen, it acts as a powerful oxidizing agent. For eg:- it oxidises lead sulphide to lead sulphate and iodide ions to iodine.
PbS +4O3→PbSO4+4O2
·    Highly soluble in water to form solution of sulphurous acid       
·  SO2 reacts with Cl2 to form sulphuryl chloride     SO2+Cl2→SO2Cl2
·      It reacts with oxygen to form SO3 in presence of V2O5 catalyst    2SO2+O2→2SO3
·      Moist SO2 behaves as a reducing agent. It converts Fe(III) ions to Fe(II) ions & decolourises acidified potassium permanganate (VII) solution( It is the test for the SO2 gas).
It is manufactured by contact process which involves 3 steps
1.      Burning of S or Sulphide ores in air to generate SO2.
2.      Conversion of SO2 to SO3 in presence of V2O5 catalyst
3.      Absorption of SO3 in H2SO4 to give oleum(H2S2O7).
1.  In aqueous solution it ionizes in 2 steps
2.  It is a strong dehydrating agent Eg:-charring action of sugar
C12H22O11  + H2SO4
12C +11H2O
3.  It is a moderately strong oxidizing agent.
Cu+2H2 SO4 (conc.) →CuSO4+ SO2 +2H2O          
C+2H2SO4 (conc)  →   CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O

Group 17 elements: F,Cl,Br,I,At
General electronic configuration:ns2np5

As insoluble fluorides(fluorspar CaF2,Cryolite and

Cl, Br,I
Sea water contains chlorides, bromides and iodides


Sodium, potassium magnesium and calcium, but is

mainly sodium chloride solution(2.5% by mass).

Certain forms of marine life(various seaweeds)

i.            Atomic & ionic radii increase from fluorine to iodine.
ii.            Ionization enthalpy gradually decreases from fluorine to iodine due to increase in atomic size.
iii.            Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less than that of chlorine. It is due to small size of fluorine & repulsion between newly added electron &electrons already present in its small 2p orbital.
iv.            Electronegativity decreases from fluorine to iodine. Fluorine is the most electronegative element in the periodic table.
v.            The color of halogens is due to absorption of radiations in visible region which results in the excitation of outer electrons to higher energy level.
vi.            Bond dissociation enthalpy of fluorine is smaller than that of chlorine is due to electron-electron repulsion among the lone pair in fluorine molecules where they are much closer to each other than in case of chlorine. The trend: Cl-Cl>Br-Br>F-F>I-I.

However, chlorine, bromine &iodine exhibit +1, +3, +5, +7 oxidation states also.
Fluorine forms two oxides OF2 and O2F2. These are essentially oxygen fluorides because of the higher electronegativity of fluorine than oxygen.
Anomalous behavior of fluorine-
due to its small size, highest electronegativity, low F-F bond dissociation enthalpy and absence of d-orbitals.
Oxidizing property –F2>Cl2>Br2>I2
Acidic strength- HF<HCl<HBr<HI
Stability & bond dissociation enthalpy- HF>HCl>HBr>HI
Stability of oxides of halogens- I>Cl>Br
Ionic character of halides –MF>MCl>MBr>MI

1.      MnO2 +4HCl  →  MnCl2+Cl2+2H2O
2.      4NaCl+MnO2+4H2SOMnCl2+4 NaHSO4+2H2O+Cl2
3.      2KMnO4+16HCl  → 2KCl+2MnCl2+8H2O+5Cl2
5. By electrolysis of brine solution. Cl2 is obtained at anode.

i.            With cold and dilute alkali Cl2 produces a mixture of chloride and hypochlorite but with hot and concentrated alkalis it gives chloride and chlorate.
2NaOH+Cl2→NaCl+NaOCl+H2O 6NaOH+3Cl2 -------------------------→ 5NaCl+NaClO3+3H2O
ii.            With dry slaked lime it gives bleaching powder. 2Ca (OH) 2+2Cl2     -----------------
Ca(OH)2 +CaCl2+2H2O
iii.            It is a powerful bleaching agent; bleaching action is due to oxidation
Cl2+H2O→2HCl + [O]
Colored substance + (O) → colorless substance
iv.            Action of concentrated H2SO4 on NaCl give HCl gas. NaCl+H2SO4 420K  NaHSO4+HCl
3:1 ratio of conc. HCl & HNO3 is known as  aquaregia  & it is used for dissolving noble metals like Au and Pt.

Interhalogen compounds are prepared by direct combination of  halogens. Ex: ClF, ClF3, BrF5, IF7
They are more reactive than halogens because X-X’ is weaker-X bondsin than X halogens (except F-F).


Bent T-shaped

Square pyramidal

Pentagonal bipyramidal

GROUP-18 ELEMENTS: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe & Rn General electronic configuration:ns2np6
Atomic radii- large as compared to other elements in the period since it corresponds to vander Waal radii.
Inert –due to complete octet of outermost shell, very high ionization enthalpy & electron gain enthalpies are almost zero.
The first noble compound prepared by Neil Bartlett was XePtF6 & Xenon. O2+PtF6-.led to the discovery of XePtF6 since first ionization enthalpy of molecular oxygen (1175 kJmol-1) was almost identical with that of xenon (1170kJmol-1).
Xe+F2      673K, 1bar   →  XeF2
Xe (g) +2F2(g) 873k, 7bar → XeF4(s)
Xe (g) +3F2(g)  573k, 60-70 bar  →  XeF6(s)
XeF6+MF →M+ [XeF7]-
XeF6+2H2O→XeO2F2+4HF (partial hydrolysis)

1.      Ammonia has higher boiling point than phosphine. Why?
Ans-Ammonia forms intermolecular H-bond.
2.      Why does PCl3 fume in moisture?
Ans- In the presence of (H2O), PCl3 undergoes hydrolysis giving fumes of HCl .               PCl3 + 3H2O→H3PO3 + 3HCl
3.      What Happens when H3PO3 is Heated ?
Ans- It disproportionate to give orthophosphoric acid and Phosphine.
4H3PO3→ 3H3PO4 + PH3
4.Why H2S is acidic and H2O is neutral ?
Ans- The S –H bond is weaker than O –H bond because the size of S atom is bigger than that of O atom . Hence H2S can dissociate to give H+ Ions in aqueous solution.
5.Name two poisonous gases which can be prepared from chlorine gas?
Ans-    Phosgene (COCl2), tear gas (CCl3NO2)
6.Name the halogen which does not exhibit positive oxidation state .
Ans- Flourine being the most electronegative element does not show positive oxidation state .
7.Iodine forms I3-  but F2 does not form F3-  ions .why?
Ans- Due to the presence of vacant d-orbitals , I2 accepts electrons from I- ions to form I3- ions , but due to absence of d-orbitals F2 does not accept electrons from F-ions to form F3- ions.
8.Draw the structure of peroxosulphuric acid.
Ans- As per text book.
9.Phosphorous forms PCl5 but nitrogen cannot form NCl5. Why?
 Ans- Due to the availability of vacant d-orbital in P it is able to expand its octet.

1. Why is HF acid stored in wax coated glass bottles?
Ans- This is because HF does not attack wax but reacts with glass. It dissolves SiO2 present in glass forming hydrofluorosilicic acid.
SiO2 +6HF→H2SiF6+2H2O
2. What is laughing gas? Why is it so called? How is it prepared?
Ans- Nitrous oxide (N2O) is called laughing gas, because when inhaled it produced hysterical laughter. It is prepared by gently heating ammonium nitrate.
3. Give reasons for the following:
(i)   Conc.HNO3 turns yellow on exposure to sunlight.
(ii)   PCl5 behaves as an ionic species in solid state.
(i)Conc HNO3 decompose to NO2 which is brown in colour & NO2 dissolves in HNO3 to it yellow.
(ii) It exists as [PCl4]+ [PCl6]- in solid state.
4. What happens when white P is heated with conc. NaOH solution in an atmosphere of CO2? Give equation.
Ans-Phosphine gas will be formed.
5. How is ozone estimated quantitatively?
Ans- When ozone reacts with an excess of potassium iodide solution
Buffered with a borate buffer (pH-9.2), Iodide is liberated which can be titrated against a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate . This is a quantitative method for estimating O3 gas.
6. Are all the five bonds in PCl5 molecule equivalent? Justify your answer.
Ans- PCl5 has a trigonal bipyramidal structure and the three equatorial P-Cl bonds are equivalent, while the two axial bonds are different and longer than equatorial bonds.
7. NO2 is coloured and readily dimerises. Why ?
Ans- NO2 contains odd number of valence electrons.It behaves as a typical odd molecules .On dimerization; it is converted to stable N2O4 molecule with even number of electrons.
8. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction of Cl2 with hot and concentrated NaOH .Is this reaction a dispropotionation reaction? Justify:
Ans- 3Cl2+6NaOH→5NaCl+NaClO3+3H2O
Yes, chlorine from zero oxidation state is changed to -1 and +5 oxidation states.
 9. Account for the following.
(i)SF6 is less reactive than SF4.
(ii) Of the noble gases only xenon compounds are known.
 (i)In SF6 there is less repulsion between F atoms than In SF4.
(ii)Xe has low ionisation enthalpy & high polarising power due to larger atomic size.
10. With what neutral molecule is ClO- Isoelectronic? Is that molecule a Lewis base?
Ans- ClF ,Yes, it is Lewis base due to presence of lone pair of electron.

 (i) why is He used in diving apparatus?
(ii)Noble gases have very low boiling points.Why?
 (iii)Why is ICl more reactive than I2?
(i)It is not soluble in blood even under high pressure.
(ii)Being monoatomic they have weak dispersion forces.
(ii)I-Cl bond is weaker than I-I bond.

2.Complete the following equations.
 (i)XeF4+H2O →
(iii)AgCl(s) +NH3 (aq) →
Ans-  (i) 6XeF4+12H2O→4Xe+2XeO3+24HF+3O2
(iii)AgCl(s) +2NH3 (aq) →[Ag(NH3)2]Cl(aq)
3. (i)How is XeOF4 prepared ?Draw its structure.
(ii)When HCl reacts with finely powdered iron, it forms ferrous chloride and not ferric chloride .Why?
Ans-  (i)Partial hydrolysis of XeOF4
  XeF6 + H2O→ XeOF4 + 2HF Structure -square pyramidal.
(ii) Its reaction with iron produces H2
Liberation of hydrogen prevents the formation of ferric chloride.

1. Account for the following.
(i)Noble gas form compounds with F2 &O2 only.
 (ii)Sulphur shows paramagnetic behavior.
(iii)HF is much less volatile than HCl.
(iv) White phosphorous is kept under water.
(v)Ammonia is a stronger base than phosphine. 
 (i) F2&O2 are best oxidizing agents.
(ii)In vapour state sulphur partly exists as S2 molecule which has two unpaired electrons in the antibonding pi *orbitals like O2 and, hence, exhibit paramagnetism.
(iii)HF is associated with intermolecular H bonding.
(iv)  Ignition temperature of white phosphorous is very low (303 K). Therefore on explosure to air, it spontaneously catches fire forming P4O10. Therefore to protect it from air, it is kept under water.
(v)Due to the smaller size of N, lone pair of electrons is readily available.

2. When Conc. H2SO4 was added to an unknown salt present in a test tube, a brown gas (A) was evolved. This gas intensified when copper turnings were added in to test tube. On cooling gas (A) changed in to a colourless gas (B).
(a) Identify  the  gases  ‘A’  and  ‘B’
(b)Write the equations for the reactions involved
Ans- The  gas whereas‘A’is NO2.‘B’  is  N2O4
NaNO3(Salt ) +  H2SO4 (conc.)  →NaHSO4 + HNO3
Cu + 4HNO3 (Conc.) →Cu (NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O
                                           Blue        Brown (A)
2NO2 (On cooling) →           N2O4
3. Arrange the following in the increasing order of the property mentioned.
(i)HClO, HClO2, HClO3, HClO4 (Acidic strength)
(ii)As2O3, ClO2, GeO3, Ga2O3 (Acidity)
(iii)NH3, PH3, AsH3, SbH3 (H-E-H bond angle)
(iv)HF, HCl, HBr, HI (Acidic strength)
(v)MF, MCl, MBr, MI (ionic character)
Ans-(i)Acidic strength:HClO<HClO2<HClO3<HClO4
(ii)Acidity: Ga2O3<GeO2<AsO3<CIO2
(iii)Bond angle: SbH3<AsH3<PH3<NH3
(iv)Acidic strength: HF<HCl<HBr<HI
(v)Ionic character: MI<MBr<MCl<MF

Very shot answer type questions:
1)   PH3 has lower boiling point than NH3. Explain.
2)   Why are halogens coloured.
3)   What are chalcogens?
4)   Which noble gas is Radioactive?
5)   Explain why fluorine always exhibit an oxidation state of - 1 only.
6)   Which compound led to the discovery of compounds of noble gas?
7)   Name the most electronegative element.
8)   Why is OF6 compound not known?
9)   Why N2 is not reactive?
10)    Ammonia acts as a ligand. Explain.
Short answer type questions:
1) White Phosphorous is more reactive than red phosphorous. Explain.
2)   Why do noble gases have comparatively large atomic sizes?
3)   Arrange in decreasing order of Ionic character
M –F, M –Cl, M –Br, M –I
4)   H3PO2 acid behaves as a mono basic acid .
5)   Arrange the following in the order of property indicated:
 a) AS2O3, ClO2, GeO2, Ga2O3__Increasing acidity
b) H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te__Increasing acid strength.
6)   Arrange in decreasing order of bond energy:
F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
7) Complete the following:
i)   HNO3  + P4O10    →
ii)    IO3 - + I +   H+   →
8)     Give the chemical reactions in support of following observations:
 a) The +5 oxidation state of Bi is less stable than +3 oxidation state.
 b) Sulphur exhibits greater tendency for catenation than selenium.
9)   How would you account for following?
i)   Enthalpy of dissociation of F2 is much less than that of Cl2.
ii)   Sulphur in vapour state exhibits paramagnetism.
10) Draw structures of following:
a)     H2SO5   
b)       XeF4
1. Complete and balance:
i)   F2 + H2O (cold)→
ii)  BrO3 - + F2 + OH -    →
iii)   Li + N2 (cold) →
iv)   NH3 + NaOCl→
2)   Despite lower electron affinity of F2, it is stronger oxidising agent than Cl2. Explain.
3)Give reasons:
a)    Nitric oxide becomes brown when released in air.
b)    PCl5 is ionic in nature and exist in the solid state.
4)   Which of the two is more covalent SbCl3 or SbCl5?
5)   Addition of Cl2 to KI solution gives a brown colour but excess of it turns colourless. Explain.
Q1 .You are staying near a fertilizer factory. In the middle of the night there is a leakage of ammonia which is detected by its smell. Within 10 minutes you find the smell is intolerable.
a. What would you do as first aid against this gas spill accident for self and neighbour? (2)
b. What value do you derive from this? (1)
a. Ammonia is highly soluble in water. It is detected by its characteristic fishy
odour. Hence keep a wet kerchief on your nose to stop inhaling the gas.
Then help your neighbours with your suggestion.
b. Alertness to tackle disasters for society.

Q2.Manoj went to a paper industry. The manager, paper industry H2O2 insisted that H2O be used for bleaching instead of Chlorine in bleaching. Manoj had learnt that Cl2 is also a bleaching agent
a. Then why is H2O2 used instead of Cl2 (2)
b. What value do you derive from this? (1)
a) H2O2 after bleaching, the product formed is water. While when using chlorine the byproduct is HCl.
b) Seeing the products of the reaction we should select the reagents, so that there is minimum pollution.
Q3.Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia. N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3.
Ammonia is the basic raw material for preparing fertilizers. Always associated with a refinery/ petrochemical industry we have a fertilizer industry.
a. Why? (2)
b. What is the value you derive from this. (1)
 In the refinery / petrochemical industry hydrogen gas is evolved as a bi product.
Hence to recycle this hydrogen a fertilizer unit is established nearby.
b. Recycling of industrial waste keeps the environment clean.

Q4. At an exhibition a FORTUNE TELLER predicts your future. Ram and Shyam ran to get their fortune read. The fortune teller asked them to take a paper from the lot. He put the paper into a trough of water. Both the children read what was given in the paper.
a. Give a posssible reason for this. (2)
b. What value do you get from this? (1)
a) The writing was done using solution of lead acetate. This had become
invisible after drying. The trough contained a solution of H2S. Reaction of
H2S with water gave a black precipitate of lead sulphide. Hence the
Writing becomes visible.
b) Knowledge is the antidote to fear and blind belief.

Q5. Ajay, a student of chemistry, was performing chemical reaction between sodium thiosulfate and HCI. He found that time required to appear turbidity increases when concentration of HCI or sodium thiosulfates or both decreases.
(a) Mention the reason for appearance of turbidity.
(b) Write the chemical reaction  involved.
(c) Mention the values associated with above experiment.
Ans :The precipitation of  S.
a)      Na2S2O3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + H2O (l) + SO2(g) + S(s)
b)      Knowledge of science.
Q.1Why is red phosphorus less reactive than white phosphorus?                                              1
Q.2 What is the basicity of H3PO2 acid and why?                                                                      1
Q.3Which is a stronger reducing agent, SbH3 or BiH3, and why?                                              1
Q.4Nitrogen is relatively inert as compared to phosphorus, why?                                             1
Q.5 Name two poisonous gases which can be prepared from chlorine gas.                               1                                                                                         
Q.6 XeF2 is a linear molecule without a bent, why?                                                                   1   
Q.7 Complete the following chemical reaction equations-
(i)XeF2 + H2O   --------->      (ii)PH3  + HgCl2 --------->                                                             2
Q.8 Explain-  (i)Oxygen is a gas but sulphur a solid.  (ii)The halogens are coloured.                2                                                           
Q.9How are interhalogen compounds formed? What general compositions can be assigned to them?      2
Q.10 Explain-
(i)Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine with negative sign is less than that of chlorine.
(ii)The two oxygen oxygen bond lengths in ozone molecule are identical.                                 2
(i)The acid strength order of compounds increases in the order-    PH3 < H2S <HCl
(ii )SF6 is kinetically inert.                                                                                                           2
Q.12 Explain-          (i)O3 acts as a powerful oxidising agent.
(ii)BiH3 is the strongest reducing agent amongst all the hydrides of group 15 elements.           2                                                                              
Q.12 Explain-  (i)Boiling point of H2O is higher than HF.  (ii)H2S is more acidic than H2O.  (iii)Fluorine does not exhibit any positive oxidation state.                                                         3
Q.13 How would you account for the following –   (i) H2S is more acidic than H2O.
(ii)The N-O bond in NO2- is shorter than the N-O bond in NO3- .
(iii) Both O2 and F2 stabilize high oxidation states but the ability of oxygen to stabilize the higher oxidation state exceeds that of fluorine.                                                                                      3                                                                                                  
Q.14 Explain following-  (i)NF3 is an exothermic compound whereas NCl3 is not.
(ii)All the bonds in SF4 are not equivalent.  
(iii)Despite lower value of its electron gain enthalpy with negative sign, fluorine (F2) is a stronger oxidising agent than chlorine (Cl2).                                                                              3
Q.15 (a)Draw the structures of the following –  (i) H2S2O8                       (ii) HClO4
(b)How would you account for the following –  (i) NH3 is a stronger base than PH3.
(ii)In the structure of HNO3, the N-O bond (121pm)is shorter than N-OH  bond(140 pm).
(iii) F2 is stronger oxidising agent than Cl2.                                                                                5
Q.16(a) Draw the structures of following-  (i) H2S2O7                (ii)     HClO3
(b)Explain the following observations-       (i) ICl is more reactive than I2.
(ii) All the P-Cl bonds in PCl5 are not equivalent.
(iii) Sulphur has a greater tendency for catenation than oxygen.                                                    5  
Q.17 (a) Draw structures-       (i) H3PO2    (ii) XeOF 
(b) Explain the following observations-
(i)The electron gain enthalpy of sulphur atom has a greater negative value than that of oxygen atom.     
 (ii)Nitrogen does not form pentahalides.
(iii)In aqueous solution HI is a stronger acid than HCl.                                                               5
Q.18 (a) Draw structures-         (i) BrF3 /ClF3                 (ii) N2O5/H2SO4
(b)Explain the following-   (i)No chemical compound of helium is known.
(ii)Bond dissociation energy of fluorine is less than that of chlorine.
(iii) Phosphorus has a greater tendency for catenation than nitrogen.                                          5                                                                                                   

Q.19 (a)Draw structures-                                                                                                               5
(i)(HPO3)3                                   (ii) H4P2O5                 (iii) XeF4
(b)Complete  chemical equations-
 (i) SO3  + H2SO4 ------->              (ii) XeF4 + H2O --------->   (iii)  Cu + HNO3 (dil) -------->          
 (iv)  XeF4  + O2F2 -----> (v) NaOH (cold ,dilute) + Cl2-----> (vi)  XeF6+ H2O ------------->                                                                                    
Q.20 (a) What happens when –
(i)Chlorine gas is passed through a hot concentrated solution of NaOH?
(ii)Sulphur dioxide gas is passed through an aqueous solution of a Fe(III) salt?
(b) Answer the following –
(i) What is the basicity of H3PO3 and why?
(ii) Why does fluorine not play the role of a central atom in inter halogen compounds?
(iii) Why do noble gases have very low boiling points?                                                                5
Q.21 Give reasons for the followings-
(a)(CH3)2 P=O exists but (CH3)2 N=O does not.
(b)Oxygen has less electron gain enthalpy with negative sign than sulphur.
(c)H3PO2 is a stronger reducing agent than H3PO3.  
(d) Why does NO2 dimerise?  
(e)Why does NH3  acts as a Lewis base?                                                                                         5
Q.22 Complete the following reactions-
(a) C + Conc.H2SO4   ----->
(b) XeF4 + H2O2   --------->     
(c) P4 + H2O          ---------->    
(d)Ag + PCl5                    ------>   
(e) CaF2  +  H2SO4          ----->                                                                                                         5
Q23. Why is helium used in diving apparatus?                                                                            1
Q24.Draw the structure of (a) BrF3 (b) XeF4 (c) XeO3                                                                3
Q25. Arrange the following in the order of the property indicated for each set                          3
a) F2, Cl2,Br2, I2  -increasing bond dissociation enthalpy
b ) HF, HCl, HBr, HI -increasing acid strength
c )NH3,PH3,AsH3,SbH3  -    decreasing base strength
Q25.  a) What are inter halogen compounds? Give examples also.
  b)How is the presence of SO2 detected?
  c) Draw the structure  of noble gas species which is isoelectronic with BrO3-.                  3 
Q26. i)  Account for the following:                                                                                                      5
      a)Nitrogen shows catenation properties lesser than phosphorus.
      b) Ka2<<Ka1 for H2SO4 in water.  
      c) HI is the strongest reducing agent amongst the hydrogen halides.
ii)    Write the reactions for the following:
a)Sulphuric acid reacts with copper.
b) Ammonia reacts with  copper sulphate solution.
Q.27                                                                                                                                        5
i)What are the conditions, required to maximize the yield of sulphuric acid by Contact Process?
ii) Account for the following :
a)Enthalpy of dissociation for F2 is smaller than that for Cl2.     
b)Inter Halogen compounds more reactive than Halogens?        
iii)  Give equations that involve during the brown ring test.
 Q.28                                                                                                                                       2
           (I)         PH3 has lower boiling point than NH3, why?
(II)       Write balance equation: when ammonia is dissolved in water.
   Q.29  Draw the structure of                                                                                                             3
(1)   H2 SO3      (2) H2SO4        (3) H2S2O7
Q.30 Explain each of the following.                                                                                       3
(1)   Nitrogen is much less reactive than phosphorus.
(2)   The solubility of + 5 oxidation state decreases drown in the group 15.
(3)   The bond angles (O – N – O) are not of the same value in NO2- and NO2+
Q.31Give reasons for the following:
(i)               Aqueous solution of ammonia is slightly basic.
(ii)             The bond angle in PH4+ higher than in PH3.
(iii)           Axial bonds in PCl5 longer than equatorial bonds.
Q.32Give reasons-
(i)     PF5 is well known compound but NF5 is not known.
(ii)   Fluorine shows abnormal behaviour.
(iii) The acid strength of acids increases in the order- HF < HCl <HBr <HI.

Q.33 Give reasons for the following-
(i)        Orthophosphorous acid is not tribasic acid.
(ii)      Valency of oxygen is generally two whereas sulphur shows valency of two, four and six.
(iii)    Phosphine has lower boiling point than ammonia.





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