Saturday, 12 March 2016


 “The elements which have partially filled d-sub orbit or the elements in which the last electron enters in (n-1) d-orbitals are called transition elements.”
The d-block elements are called transition elements also because they exhibit transitional behaviour between highly reactive ionic-compound-forming s-block elements (electropositive elements) on one side, and mainly the covalent-compound-forming p-block elements (electronegative elements) on the other side.
Electronic Configuration of Transition Elements
From the point of view of electronic configuration, the elements which have partially filled d-orbitals in their neutral atoms or in their common ions are called transition elements. Thus, the outer electronic configuration of the transition elements is (n – 1)d1–10 ns1–2, where n is the outermost shell, and (n – 1) stands for the penultimate shell.

Ques:-Why are Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury not considered as the Transition Elements?
Ans: - In zinc cadmium and mercury the last electron enters in s-orbital not in the (n-1) d-orbital, so these elements are not called transition elements. Their electronic configurations are (n – 1) d10 ns2. Since, in these metals d-orbitals are completely filled, hence these do not exhibit the general characteristic properties of the transition elements. Therefore, these metals are not considered as transition elements.

General Trends in the Chemistry of First Row Transition Elements (3d-series)
1. Electronic Configuration
All d-block elements exhibit 3d1–10 4s1–2 electronic configuration. Some characteristic features of the electronic configurations of the transition elements are, Atoms of all transition elements consist of an inner core of electrons having noble gas configuration. For example,
Sc : [Ar] 3d1 4s2                   Y : [Kr] 4d1 5s2                         La : [Xe] 5d1 6s2
The half-filled and completely-filled d-orbitals gain extra-stability. So, such con-figurations are favoured wherever possible. For example

2. Atomic Radii
The atomic radii of 3d-series of elements are compared with those of the neighbouring s- and p-block elements.
              164          147         135         129        137         126         125         125         128         137  in pm  
The atomic radii of transition elements show the following characteristics.
Ques.:-The atomic radii and atomic volumes of d-block elements in any series decrease with increase in the atomic number. The decrease however, is not regular. The atomic radii tend to reach minimum near at the middle of the series, and increase slightly towards the end of the series, why?  
Ans: -  When we go in any transition series from left to right, the nuclear charge increases gradually by one unit at each element. The added electrons enter the same penultimate shell, (inner d-shell). These added electrons shield the outermost electrons from the attraction of the nuclear charge. The increased nuclear charge tries to reduce the atomic radii, while the added electron tries to increase the atomic radii. At the beginning of the series, due to smaller number of electrons in the d-orbitals, the effect of increased nuclear charge predominates, and the atomic radii decrease. In the middle of the series, the atomic radii tend to have a minimum value as observed Later in the series, when the number of d-electrons increases, the increased shielding effect and the increased repulsion between the electrons tend to increase the atomic radii.
Ques.:-The atomic radii increase while going down in each group. However, in the third transition series (5d series) from hafnium (Hf) and onwards, the elements have atomic radii nearly equal to those of the second transition series elements, why?
Ans: -  The atomic radii increase while going down the group. This is due to the introduction of an additional shell at each new element down the group. A nearly equal radius of second (4-d series) and third transition series (5d series) elements is due to a special effect called lanthanide contraction. In the 5d- series of transitions elements, after lanthanum (La), the added 14 electrons go to the inner most 4f orbitals (antepenultimate orbitals). The 4f electrons have poor shielding effect. But due to addition of 14 extra protons in the nucleus the outermost electrons experience greater nuclear attraction. So size of elements of 5-d series becomes smaller then 4-d series.
3. Ionic Radii
For ions having identical charges, the ionic radii decrease slowly with the increase in the atomic number across a given series of the transition elements.
EXPLANATION. The gradual decrease in the values of ionic radius across the series of transition elements is due to the increase in the effective nuclear charge.
4. Ionisation Energies
The ionisation energies (now called ionisation enthalpies, ΔIH) of the elements of first transition series are given below:
The following generalizations can be obtained from the ionisation energy values given above.
Ques.:-The ionisation energies of these elements are high, and in most cases lie between those of s- and p-block elements. This indicates that the transition elements are less electropositive than s-block elements.
Ans: -  Transition metals have smaller atomic radii and higher nuclear charge as compared to the alkali metals. Both these factors tend to increase the ionisation energy, as observed. The ionisation energy in any transition series increases with atomic number; the increase however is not smooth and as sharp as seen in the case of s- and p-block elements.
EXPLANATION. The ionisation energy increases due to the increase in the nuclear charge with atomic number at the beginning of the series. Gradually, the shielding effect of the added electrons also increases. This shielding effect tends to decrease the attraction due to the nuclear charge.
These two opposing factors lead to a rather gradual increase in the ionisation energies in any transition series.
Ques.:-The first ionisation energies of 5d-series of elements are much higher than those of the 3d- and 4d-series elements, why?.
Ans: -  In the 5d- series of transitions elements, after lanthanum (La), the added 14 electrons go to the inner most 4f orbitals (antepenultimate orbitals). The 4f electrons have poor shielding effect. But due to addition of 14 extra protons in the nucleus the outermost electrons experience greater nuclear attraction. So size of elements of 5-d series becomes smaller then 4-d series. This leads to higher ionisation energies for the 5d-series of transition elements.
5. Metallic Character
All transition elements are metals. These are hard, and good conductor of heat and electricity. All these metals are malleable, ductile and form alloys with other metals. These elements occur in three types, e.g., face-centered cubic (fcc), hexagonal closepacked (hcp) and body-centred cubic (bcc), structures.
EXPLANATION. The ionisation energies of the transition elements are not very high. The outermost shell in their atoms have many vacant/partially filled orbitals. These characteristics make these elements metallic in character.
The hardness of these metals, suggests the presence of covalent bonding in these metals. The presence of unfilled d-orbitals favours covalent bonding. Metallic bonding in these metals is indicated by the conducting nature of these metals. Therefore, it appears that there exists covalent and metallic bonding in transition elements. The strength of inter atomic interactions becomes stronger as the number of unpaired electrons increases. Cr, Mo and W have maximum number of unpaired electrons so these metals are very hard.
Ques.:- Why is the energy of atomization is very high for d- block elements?
6. Melting and Boiling Points
The melting and boiling points of transition elements except Cd and Hg are very high as compared to the s-block and p-block elements. The melting and boiling points first increase, pass through maxima and then steadily decrease across any transition series. The maximum occurs around middle of the series.
EXPLANATION. Atoms of the transition elements are closely packed and held together by strong metallic bonds which have appreciable covalent character. This leads to high melting and boiling points of the transition elements.
The strength of the metallic bonds depends upon the number of unpaired electrons in the outermost shell of the atom. Thus, greater is the number of unpaired electrons stronger is the metallic bonding. In any transition element series, the number of unpaired electrons first increases from 1 to 5 and then decreases back to zero. The maximum five unpaired electrons occur at Cr (3d series). As a result, the melting and boiling points first increase and then decrease showing maxima around the middle of the series.
The low melting points of Zn, Cd, and Hg may be due to the absence of unpaired d-electrons in their atoms.
7. Oxidation States
Most of the transition elements exhibit several oxidation states, i.e., they show variable valency in their compounds. Some common oxidation states of the first transition series elements are given below .
Ques.:- Why do d-block elements show variable oxidation states?
Ans.:- The outermost electronic configuration of the transition elements is (n – 1) d1–10 ns2.  The energy of (n – 1) d and ns- orbitals are nearly same, so along with the ns-electrons (n – 1) d-electrons also involved in oxidation state so these elements shows variable oxidation states. Also it arises due to partially filled d-orbital.
Therefore, the number of oxidation states shown by these elements depends upon the number of d-electrons it has. For example, Sc having a configuration 3d1 4s2 may show an oxidation state of + 2 (only s-electrons are lost) and + 3 (when d-electron is also lost). The highest oxidation state which an element of this group might show is given by the total number of ns- and (n – 1) d-electrons.
The relative stability of the different oxidation states depends upon the factors such as, electronic configuration, nature of bonding, stereochemistry, lattice energies and solvation energies.
Ques:-Why highest oxidation states are shown by oxide and fluorides?
The highest oxidation states are found in fluorides and oxides because fluorine and oxygen are the most electronegative elements.
The highest oxidation state shown by any transition metal is eight. The oxidation state of eight is shown by Ru and Os.
An examination of the common oxidation states reveals the following conclusions:
(a)            The variable oxidation states shown by the transition elements are due to the participation of outer ns- and inner (n – 1) d-electrons in bonding.
(b)            Except scandium, the most common oxidation state shown by the elements of first transition series is + 2. This oxidation state arises from the loss of two 4s electrons. This means that after scandium, d-orbitals become more stable than the s-orbital.
(c)             The greatest number of oxidation states is observed near middle of the series. Eg:- Mn show +2 to +7 O.S. The highest oxidation states are observed in fluorides and oxides. The highest oxidation state shown by any transition element (by Ru and Os) is +8.
(d)            The transition elements in the + 2 and + 3 oxidation states mostly form ionic bonds. In compounds of the higher oxidation states (compounds formed with fluorine or oxygen), the bonds are essentially covalent. For example, in permanganate ion MnO4, all bonds formed between manganese and oxygen are covalent.
(e)             Within a group, the maximum oxidation state increases with atomic number. For example, Iron shows the common oxidation state of + 2 and + 3, but ruthenium and osmium in the same group form compounds in the + 4, + 6 and + 8 oxidation states.
(f)              Transition metals also form compounds in low oxidation states such as + 1 and 0. For example, nickel in nickel tetracarbonyl, Ni(CO)4 has zero oxidation state. Fe(CO)5
The bonding in the compounds of transition metals in low oxidation states is not always very simple.
8. Electrode Potentials (E°)
Standard electrode potentials of half-cells involving 3d-series of transition elements are negative except Cu.The negative values of E° for the first series of transition elements (except for Cu2+/Cu) indicate that:
These metals should liberate hydrogen from dilute acids, ,
M        +          2H+      →        M2+       +         H2(g)
2M      +          6H+      →        2M3+     +         3H2(g)
i.e., the reactions are favourable in the forward direction. In actual practice however, most of these metals react with dilute acids very slowly. Some of these metals get coated with a thin protective layer of oxide. Such an oxide layer prevents the metal to react further.
These metals should act as good reducing agents. There is no regular trend in the E° values. This is due to irregular variation in the ionisation and sublimation energies across the series. Relative stabilities of transition metal ions in different oxidation states in aqueous medium can be predicted from the electrode potential data. To illustrate this, let us consider the following:
M(s)    →        M(g)                ΔH1     =          Enthalpy of sublimation, ΔsubH
M(g)    →        M+(g) + e       ΔH2     =          Ionisation energy, IE
M+(g) →        M+(aq)            ΔH3     =          Enthalpy of hydration, ΔhydH
Adding these equations one gets,
M(s)    →        M+ (aq) + e    ΔH       =          ΔH1 + ΔH2 + ΔH3 = ΔsubH + IE + ΔhydH
The ΔH represents the enthalpy change required to bring the solid metal M to the monovalent ion in aqueous medium, M+(aq).
The reaction, M(s) → M+(aq) + e–, will be favourable only if ΔH is negative. More negative is the value of ΔH, more favourable will be the formation of that cation from the metal. Thus, the oxidation state for which ΔH value is more negative will be more stable in the solution.
Electrode potential for a Mn+/M half-cell is a measure of the tendency for the reaction,
Mn+(aq) + n e             →        M(s)
Thus, this reduction reaction will take place if the electrode potential for Mn+/M half-cell is positive. The reverse reaction,
M(s)                →        Mn+(aq) + n e
involving the formation of Mn+(aq) will occur if the electrode potential is negative, i.e., the tendency for the formation of Mn+(aq) from the metal M will be more if the corresponding E° value is more negative. In other words, the oxidation state for which E° value is more negative (or less positive) will be more stable in the solution.
   When an element exists in more than one oxidation states, the standard electrode potential (E°) values can be used in predicting the relative stabilities of different oxidation states in aqueous solutions. The following rule is found useful.
The oxidation state of a cation for which ΔH(= ΔsubH + IE + ΔhydH) or E° is more negative (or less positive) will be more stable.
Trends in the M+2 / M+ Standard Electrode Potentials
 The observed values of Eo of the solid metal atoms M to M+2 ions in solution and their standard electrode potentials compared in Fig.
The unique behaviour of Cu, having a positive Eo, accounts for its inability to liberate H2 from acids. Only oxidising acids (nitric and hot concentrated sulphuric) react with Cu, the acids being reduced. The high energy to transform Cu(s) to Cu+2(aq) is not balanced by its hydration enthalpy. The general trend towards less negative Eo values across the series is related to the general increase in the sum of the first and second ionisation enthalpies. It is interesting to note that the value of Eo for Mn, Ni and Zn are more negative than expected from the trend.
The stability of the half-filled d sub-shell in Mn+2 and the complete filled d10 configuration in Zn+2 are related to their E° values, where Eo for Ni is related to the highest negative

Ques:-Why is Cr+2 reducing and Mn+3 oxidizing when both have d4 configuration?
Ques:-Which is a stronger reducing agent Cr+2 or Fe +2 and why?

9. Formation of Coloured Ions: -    Most of the compounds of the transition elements are coloured in the solid state and/or in the solution phase. The compounds of transition metals are coloured due to the presence of unpaired electrons in their d-orbitals. This occurs as follows.
EXPLANATION. In an isolated atom or ion of a transition element, all the five d-orbitals are of the same energy (they are said to be degenerate). Under the influence of the combining anion(s), or electron-rich molecules, the five d-orbitals split into two (or some time more than two) groups of different energies i.e. t2g and eg-orbitals. The difference between the two energy levels depends upon the nature of the combining ions. Generally this difference corresponds to the energy of the visible region, (λ = 380 – 760 nm).
Typical splitting for octahedral and tetrahedral geometries are shown in Fig. 9.4. 
Relationship between the colour of the absorbed radiation and that of the transmitted light is given in Table 9.4.
Colour of the
Colour of the
absorbed light
transmitted light
absorbed light
transmitted light

10. Magnetic Properties: - Most of the transition elements and their compounds show paramagnetism. The paramagnetism first increases in any transition element series, and then decreases. The maximum paramagnetism is seen around the middle of the series. The paramagnetism is described in Bohr Magneton (BM) units. The paramagnetic moments of some common ions of first transition series are given below in Table 9.5 on the next page.
EXPLANATION: A substance which is attracted by magnetic field is called paramagnetic substance. The substances which are repelled by magnetic field are called diamagnetic substances. Paramagnetism is due to the presence of unpaired electrons in atoms, ions or molecules.
The magnetic moment of any transition element or its compound/ion is given by (assuming no contribution from the orbital magnetic moment),
where, S is the total spin (n × s) : n is the number of unpaired electrons and s is equal to 1/2 (representing the spin of an unpaired electron).

11. Formation of Complex Ions
Transition metals and their ions show strong tendency for complex formation. The cations of transition elements (d-block elements) form complex ions with certain molecules containing one or more lone-pairs of electrons, viz., CO, NO, NH3 etc., or with anions such as, F, Cl, CN etc. A few typical complex ions are,
[Fe(CN)6]4–, [Cu(NH3)4]2+, [Y(H2O)6]2+, [Ni(CO)4], [Co(NH3)6]3+, [FeF6]3–
EXPLANATION. This complex formation tendency is due to,
(a)   Small size of the transition metal cations.
(b)   High positive charge density
(c)    The availability of vacant inner d-orbitals of suitable energy to accept lone pair of electrons.

12. Formation of Interstitial Compounds
Transition elements form a few interstitial compounds with elements having small atomic radii, such as hydrogen, boron, carbon and nitrogen. The small atoms of these elements get entrapped in between the void spaces (called interstices) of the metal lattice. Some characteristics of the interstitial compounds are,
(a)         These are non-stoichiometric compounds and cannot be given definite formulae.
(b)         These compounds show essentially the same chemical properties as the parent metals, but differ in physical properties such as density and hardness.
Steel and cast iron are hard due to the formation of interstitial compound with carbon. Some non-stoichiometric compounds are, VSe 0.98 (Vanadium selenide), Fe0.94O, and titanium hydride TiH1.7.
Some properties
1. Interstitial compounds are hard and dense. This is because; the smaller atoms of lighter elements occupy the interstices in the lattice, leading to a more closely packed structure.
2. Mp are higher and
3. They are chemically inert. Due to greater electronic interactions, the strength of the metallic bonds also increases.

13. Catalytic Properties
Most of the transition metals and their compounds particularly oxides have good catalytic properties. Platinum, iron, vanadium pentoxide, nickel, etc., are important catalysts. Platinum is a general catalyst. Nickel powder is a good catalyst for hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds such as, hydrogenation of oils. Some typical industrial catalysts are:
(a)       Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is used in the Contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid,
(b)       Finely divided iron is used in the Haber’s process for the synthesis of ammonia.
EXPLANATION. Most transition elements act as good catalyst because of,
(a)         The presence of vacant d-orbitals.
(b)         The tendency to exhibit variable oxidation states.
(c)          The tendency to form reaction intermediates with reactants. The presence of defects in their crystal lattices.
14. Alloy Formation
Transition metals form alloys among themselves. The alloys of transition metals are hard and high melting as compared to the host metal. Various steels are the alloys of iron with metals such as chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese etc.
EXPLANATION. The atomic radii of the transition elements in any series are not much different from each other. As a result, they can very easily replace each other in the lattice and form solid solutions over an appreciable composition range. Such solid solutions are called alloys.
15. Chemical Reactivity
The d-block elements (transition elements) have lesser tendency to react, i.e., these are less reactive as compared to s-block elements.
EXPLANATION. Low reactivity of transition elements is due to,
(i)                 their high ionisation energies,
(ii)               low heats of hydration of their ions,
(iii)             Their high heats of sublimation.
General Chemical Properties of First Row Transition Metal Compounds
The transition metals form a number of binary compounds with non-metals, e.g., carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur and halogens. The chemical reactivity of transition elements may be seen through the study of their oxides, sulphides and halides.
Oxides of First Row Transition Elements
Transition metals of first row (3d-series) generally react with oxygen at higher temperatures. Because of the tendency to exhibit variable oxidation states, these metals form a number of oxides of different varieties.
Some general characteristics of the oxides of 3d-transition series are given below.
(i) Formulae. The general formulae of the oxides of first row transition metals (3d-series) are, MO, M2O3, M3O4, MO2, M2O5 and MO3.
(ii) Acidic, basic or amphoteric character. The character of an oxide depends upon the oxidation state of the metal in it. For example,
The oxides of metals in low oxidation states are basic. For example, TiO, VO, MnO, Cu2O etc., are basic in nature.
The oxides of metals in high oxidation states are acidic. For example, V2O5, CrO3, Mn2O7 are acidic.
The oxides of metals in the intermediate oxidation states, are generally amphoteric.
For example, CuO, Cr2O3, MnO2 etc., are amphoteric.
Important oxides of the first transition series elements are given in Table 9.6.

Potassium Permanganate, (KMnO4)
Potassium permanganate is a salt of an unstable acid HMnO4 (permanganic acid). The Mn is in + 7 state in this compound.
Preparation. Potassium permanganate is obtained from pyrolusite as follows.
(i)                 Conversion of pyrolusite to potassium manganate. When manganese dioxide is fused with potassium hydroxide in the presence of air or an oxidising agent such as potassium nitrate or chlorate, potassium manganate is formed, possibly via potassium manganite.
(ii)               Oxidation of potassium manganate to potassium permanganate. The potassium manganate so obtained is oxidised to potassium permanganate by either of the following methods.
(a) By chemical method: The fused dark-green mass is extracted with a small quantity of water.
The filtrate is warmed and treated with a current of ozone, chlorine or carbon dioxide. Potassium manganate gets oxidised to potassium permanganate and the hydrated manganese dioxide precipitates out. The reactions taking place are,
When CO2 is passed:
When chlorine or ozone is passed:
The purple solution so obtained is concentrated and dark purple, needle-like crystals having metallic lustre are obtained.
(b) Electrolytic method: Presently, potassium manganate (K2MnO4) is oxidised electrolytically.
The electrode reactions are,
The purple solution containing KMnO4 is evaporated under controlled conditions to get crystalline sample of potassium permanganate.
Physical properties.
(i)                 KMnO4 crystallizes as dark purple crystals with greenish luster (m.p. 523 K).
(ii)               It is soluble in water to an extent of 6.5 g per 100 g at room temperature. The aqueous solution of KMnO4 has a purple colour.
Chemical properties. Some important chemical reactions of KMnO4 are given below:
(i)                 Action of heat. KMnO4 is stable at room temperature, but decomposes to give oxygen at higher temperature
(ii)               Oxidising action. KMnO4 is a powerful oxidising agent in neutral, acidic and alkaline media. The nature of reaction is different in each medium. The oxidising character of KMnO4 (to be more specific, of MnO4) is indicated by high positive reduction potentials for the following reactions.
There are a large number of oxidation-reduction reactions involved in the chemistry of manganese compounds. Some typical reactions are
(a) In the presence of excess of reducing agent in acidic solutions permanganate ion gets
reduced to manganous ion, e.g.,
(b) An excess of reducing agent in an alkaline solution reduces permanganate ion only to manganese dioxide, e.g.,
(c) In faintly acidic and neutral solutions, manganous ion is oxidised to manganese dioxide
by permanganate.
(d) In strongly basic solutions, permanganate oxidises manganese dioxide to manganate ion.
(e) In acidic medium, KMnO4 oxidises,
(i) Ferrous salts to ferric salts
This reaction forms the basis of volumetric estimation of Fe2+ in any solution by KMnO4.
(ii) Oxalic acid to carbon dioxide
(iii) Sulphites to sulphates
(iv) Iodides to iodine in acidic medium
Potassium Dichromate (K2Cr2O7)
Potassium dichromate is one of the most important compound of chromium, and also among dichromates. In this compound Cr is in the hexavalent (+ 6) state.
Preparation. It can be prepared by any of the following methods:
(i)                 From potassium chromate: Potassium dichromate can be obtained by adding a calculated amount of sulphuric acid to a saturated solution of potassium chromate.
K2Cr2O7 crystals can be obtained by concentrating the solution and crystallisation.
(ii)               Manufacture from chromite ore: K2Cr2O7 is generally manufactured from chromite ore (FeCr2O4). The process involves the following steps.
(a)   Preparation of sodium chromate. Finely powdered chromite ore is mixed with soda ash and quicklime. The mixture is then roasted in a reverberatory furnace in the presence of air. Yellow mass due to the formation of sodium chromate is obtained.
(b)   Conversion of chromate into dichromate. Sodium chromate solution obtained in step (a) is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid when it is converted into sodium dichromate.
On concentration, the less soluble sodium sulphate, Na2SO4.10H2O crystallizes out. This is filtered hot and allowed to cool when sodium dichromate, Na2Cr2O7.2H2O, separates out on standing.
(c)    Conversion of sodium dichromate to potassium dichromate. Hot concentrated solution of sodium dichromate is treated with a calculated amount of potassium chloride, when potassium dichromate being less soluble crystallizes out on cooling.
Chemical properties.
 (i) Action of alkalies. With alkalies, it gives chromates. For example, with KOH,
On acidifying, the colour again changes to orange-red owing to the formation of dichromate.
Actually, in dichromate solution, the Cr2O7 2– ions are in equilibrium with CrO4 2– ions.
(iv) Oxidising nature. In neutral or in acidic solution, potassium dichromate acts as an excellent oxidising agent, and Cr2O7 2– gets reduced to Cr3+. The standard electrode potential for the reaction,
is + 1.31 V. This indicates that dichromate ion is a fairly strong oxidising agent, especially in strongly acidic solutions. That is why potassium dichromate is widely used as an oxidising agent, for quantitative estimation of the reducing agents such as, Fe2+.
It oxidises,
(a)   Ferrous salts to ferric salts
Ionic equation:
(b)    Sulphites to sulphates and arsenites to arsenates.
Ionic equation:
Similarly, arsenites are oxidised to arsenates.
(c)     Hydrogen halides to halogens.
Ionic equation:
(d)    Iodides to iodine
Ionic equation:
Thus, when KI is added to an acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 iodine gets liberated.

(e)     It oxidises H2S to S.
Ionic equation:
(i)                 Formation of insoluble chromates. With soluble salts of lead, barium etc., potassium dichromate gives insoluble chromates. Lead chromate is an important yellow pigment.
(ii)               Chromyl chloride test. When potassium dichromate is heated with conc. H2SO4 in the presence of a soluble chloride salt, the orange-red vapour of chromyl chloride (CrO2Cl2) is formed.
Chromyl chloride vapour when passed through water give yellow-coloured solution containing chromic acid.
Structure of Chromate and Dichromate Ions

f-block elements
Inner-Transition Elements: Lanthanoides and Actinoids
The elements which in their elemental or ionic form have partly filled f-orbitals are called f-block elements. As the f-orbitals lie inner to the penultimate (second outermost) shell i.e. antepenultimate orbitals, therefore these elements having partially filled f-orbitals are also known as inner-transition elements.
There general electronic configuration is
(n-2)f1-14(n-1)d0 or 1ns2
There are two series of inner-transition elements, each having 14 elements. The elements in which 4f orbitals are progressively filled are called lanthanides. The elements in which 5f orbitals are progressively filled are termed actinides.
Lanthanides thus belong to the first inner-transition series, while actinides belong to the second inner-transition series.
The fourteen elements (atomic no. 58 – 71) after lanthanum are known as lanthanides or lanthanons. All these elements closely resemble one another in their properties. Because of their limited availability, these are also known as the rare earth elements.
Names and the outer-electronic configurations of the lanthanides are given in Table 9.10.
General Characteristics of Lanthanides
            General physical characteristics of lanthanides are described below:
(1) Electronic configuration. The outer-electronic configurations of lanthanides are given in Table 11.9. There is however, some uncertainty about the correctness of these configurations. The 5d and 4f energy levels are very close-by. It is not always possible to decide with certainty whether the electron has entered 5d or 4f level. Due to the extra-stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals, there is a tendency to acquire f7 and f14 configurations wherever possible. The general electronic configuration of lanthanides may be described as 4f1–14 5d 0–1 6s2.
(2) Oxidation states. All Lanthanoides exhibit a common stable oxidation state of +3. in addition some lanthaniodes shows +2 and +4 oxidation state also. These are shown by those elements which by doing so attain the stable f0, f7 and f14 configurations. For example:
(i) Ce and Tb exhibit +4 oxidation states.
Cerium (Ce) and terbium (Tb) attain f0 and f7 configuration respectively when they get +4 oxidation state, as shown below:
                                                Ce4+     :           [Xe]4f0
                                                Tb4+     :           [Xe]4f7
(ii) Eu and Yb exhibit +2 oxidation states.
Europium and yetterbium get f7 and f14 configuration in +2 oxidation state, as shown below:
                                                Eu2+     :           [Xe]4f7
                                                Yb2+    :           [Xe]4f14
(iii) La, Gd, and Lu exhibit only +3 oxidation states due to empty, half filled and fulfilled 4f-sub orbit.
The stability of different oxidation state has strong effect on the properties of those elements. For example, Ce(IV) is favoured because of its noble gas configuration. But it is strong oxidant changing to common +3 oxidation state.
Similarly, Eu2+ is stable because of its half filled 4f7 configuration. However, it is a strong reducing agent changing to Eu3+ (common oxidation state.) Similarly, Yb2+ having the configuration 4f14 is a reductant. Samarium also behaves like europium exhibiting both +2 and +3 oxidation states.
Important note: - Irrespective of noble gas configuration 4f0 Ce+4 is strong oxidizing agent and it changes to +3 state. It is because the Eo value for Ce+4| Ce+3 is +1.74 V which suggests that it can oxidise water. But its reaction rate is very slow so Ce+4 is good analytical reagent.
Similarly Eu+2 is stable with half filled 4f7 configuration but  Eu+2 is strong reducing agent and it changes to +3 state. It is because the Eo value for Eu+3 | Eu+2 is negative.
(3) Magnetic properties. La3+ and Lu3+ are diamagnetic, while the trivalent ions of the rest of the lanthanides are paramagnetic in nature. The paramagnetic moment values of the lanthanide ions are higher than those expected on the basis of the number of unpaired electrons. This occurs due to an appreciable contribution from orbital angular momentum.
(4) Reduction potentials and metallic character. The standard electrode (reduction) potentials of the lanthanide ions become less negative across the series. Thus, their reducing power decreases in going from Ce to Lu. The highly negative E° values indicate these elements to be highly electropositive metals capable of displacing hydrogen from water.
The M(OH)3 are ionic and basic in character. These hydroxides are stronger than Al(OH)3 and weaker than Ca(OH)2. The basic strength decreases in going from La to Lu.
(5) Atomic and ionic size: Lantha-nide contraction. The atomic and ionic sizes decrease steadily in going from Ce to Lu. This decrease can be explained as follows.
EXPLANATION. In the atoms of lanthanides, the nuclear charge increases with
atomic number, and the added electrons go to the inner 4f orbitals. The shielding effect of 4f electrons from the increased nuclear charge, is poor. Thus, as the atomic number increases, the effective nuclear charge experienced by each 4f electron increases. This causes a slight reduction in the entire 4f shell. The successive contractions accumulate and the total effect for all the lanthanides is called lanthanide contraction.
The variation of ionic radii of lanthanide ions is shown in Fig. 9.16.
The 4f electrons also shield the valence shell from contracting appreciably. In lanthanides, the decrease of radius for fourteen elements (Ce to Lu) is 15 pm. This may be compared with the second period decrease of 81 pm in the radii for 7 elements (Li to F) and with that of the third period elements (Na to Cl), 86 pm. Consequences of lanthanide contraction. The lanthanide contraction has a highly significant effect on the relative properties of the elements which precede and follow lanthanides in the periodic table. Some important consequences of lanthanide contraction are:
(i)           The radius of La3+ ion, for example, is 22 pm larger than that of Y3+ ion which lies immediately above it in the periodic table. On this basis, if the fourteen lanthanides had not intervened, the radius of Hf 4+ should have been greater than that of Zr 4+ (which lies immediately above it) by about 20 pm. But, the lanthanide contraction of about the same magnitude almost cancels the expected increase. As a result, Hf 4+ and Zr 4+ have almost equal radii, being 80 and 81 pm respectively.
                     It is seen that the normal increase in size from Sc → Y → La disappears after the lanthanides and the pairs of elements such as, Zr – Hf, Nb – Ta, Mo – W, etc., have almost the same size. The properties of these elements are also very similar. It is thus a direct consequence of lanthanide contraction that the elements of the second and third transition series resemble each other much more closely than do the elements of the first and second transition series.
(ii)         Due to lanthanide contraction, i.e., decrease of ionic size on moving from La3+ to Lu3+, the covalent character in bonding increases in the direction La3+ → Lu3+. As a result, the basic character of the lanthanide hydroxides (M(OH)3) decreases with increase in atomic number.
Thus, La(OH)3 is the most basic, while Lu(OH)3 is the least basic. This aspect has been utilized in the separation of lanthanides from each other.

 (6) Formation of complex salts and ions. Lanthanide ions (M3+) have high charge, but due to their larger size, these cannot polarize the neighbouring anion/molecule. As a result, these lanthanides do not show a strong tendency towards complex formation.
(7) Colour of the salts and ions in solution. Most of the lanthanide trivalent ions are coloured in solid as well as in the solution phase. The ions containing x and (14 – x) electrons show the same colour. The colour of the salts or ions is due to the f f transition of electrons.
The fourteen elements (atomic number 90–103) after actinium are called actinides. These are also called second series of inner-transition elements. The general electronic configuration of actinides is 5f 1–14 6d 0–1 7s2. Names and the outer-electronic configurations of actinides are given below in Table 9.11.
General Characteristics of Actinides
(1) Oxidation states. The oxidation states commonly exhibited by actinides are given in Table 9.12. The most stable state is indicated by bold letter. The + 3 state becomes more stable as the atomic number increases.
(2) Atomic and Ionic radii. The radii for tripositive (M3+) and tetrapositive (M4+) ions decrease in going from Th to Cm. This steady decrease is similar to that observed in lanthanides and is called actinide contraction.
Fact: The  actinide contraction is larger than lanthanide contraction.
Reason: because in lanthanoids electrons are filled in 4f orbital whose screening effect is more stronger than 5f orbitals of actinoid elements.
(3) Colour of salts and ions in solution. Most of the salts of actinides having M3+ or M4+ ions are coloured. Ions having 5f °, 5f 1 and 5f 7 configurations are colourless, while those containing 5f 2, 5f 3, 5f 4, 5f 5 and 5f 6 configurations are coloured.
Uses of Lanthanides
Due to their alloy-forming tendencies, actinides and lanthanides form many alloys particularly with iron. These elements improve the workability of steel. A well known alloy is ‘misch-metal’ which consists of a rare earth element (94 – 95%), iron (up to 5%) and traces of sulphur, carbon, calcium and aluminium.
The pyrophoric alloys containing rare-earth metals are used in the preparation of ignition devices, e.g., tracer bullets and shells and flints for lighters. This alloy has normally the composition: cerium 40.5%, lanthanum + neodymium 44%, iron 4.5%, aluminium 0.5% and the remainder calcium, silicon and carbon.
(i)                            Cerium constitute about 30-50% of the alloys of lanthanides. They are used fro scavenging oxygen and sulphur.
(ii)                          Thorium is used in the manufacture of fine rods of atomic reactor.
(iii)                        Thorium salts are also used in treatment of cancer.
(iv)                        Uranium and Plutonium are used for production of nuclear energy by the nuclear fission.
  • Electronic configuration of transition metals is  (n-1)¹ ̄ ¹ns¹ ̄ ² .
      The name of transition metal refers to d block.
      The metal of inner transition metal refers to f  block.
      D block contains 3-12 groups elements where d block are progressively  filled, whereas f  block contain elements in which the 4f and 5f orbitals are progressively filled. 
      There are three series of transition metals:-
      3d series :- from  Sc - Zn
      4d series :- from  Y  - Cd
      5d series :- from  La - Hg
                  (not including Ce - Lu )
      The name transition is given because of there position between   s and p block. 
      The electronic configuration of :-
                      Cr :-    3d4s¹
                      Cu :-   3d¹4s¹
      Zn , Cd and Hg are not regarded as transition elements because orbitals are completely filled.
Similarity between lanthanoids and actinoids
      Both show +3 oxidation states.
      F orbitals are progressively filled.
      Same number of unpaired electrons.
      Electropositive and highly active.
Lanthanoids contraction :-
      The steady decrease in atomic size from 183 pm to 173 pm and in ionic size 103 pm to 85 pm of lantanoid elements with increase in atomic number from ₅₈Ce to ₇₁Lu is called lanthanoid contriction.
      Cause :-
    with increasing atomic number and nuclear charge ,the effective nuclear charge experienced by each 4f-electon increases. F orbitals have poor shielding effect due to highly diffused shape .as a result gradual decrease in size is observed.
some questions and answers for practice :-
  1. Silver atom has completely filled d orbitals  (4d¹) in its ground can you say that it is a transition element ?
Ans: because silver can exhibit +2 oxidation state , which has completely filled d orbital.
2.why do transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies of atomisation ?
Ans: due to large number of unpaired electrons , strong bonding atoms results in higher enthalpies of atomisation .  a transition element which exhibits maximum variable oxidation states ?
Ans: mn because s and d orbitals take part in bond formation.

4. What is meant by ‘disproportionation’ ?give an eg of disproportionation reaction in aqueous solution.
Ans: in disproportionation reaction ,an element undergoes oxidation and reduction both. 
Eg:-  2Cu à Cu + Cu²                  

5.the e(m²/m) for cu is positive  (+0.34 v). Explain ?
Ans: the enthalpy of atomisation is very high for cu but its hydration energy is very low. The high energy to transform Cu(s) to Cu²(aq) is not balanced by its hydration enthalpy. Thus ,for this conversion e value is positive.
. The e value for Mn³/Mn² couple is much more positive than Cr³/Cr² or Fe³/Fe² couple.
Ans: much larger third ionisation energy of mn due to extra stability of mn² (dconfiguration) (where required change is d to d) is mainly responsible for this.

7.calculate the magnetic moment of divalent ion in aqueuos solution. If its atomic number is 25.
Ans:  m(27)
           M²= [Ar]3d4s
Magnetic moment, µ = √n(n+2)
                                            = 5.92 bm a member of lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit +4 oxidation state ?
Ans :- cerium (z=58).
A few more questions and answers for practice :-
  1. Why are Mn² compounds more stable than Fe² towards oxidation state to their +3 state ?
Ans: Mn²(3d) half filled is stable ,while Fe² is 3d not stable. what extent do the e.c. Decide the stability of oxidation states in the first series of transition elements ?
Ans: the presence of half filled or completely filled orbitals .
3. Name the oxometal anions of first series of the transition metals in which the metal exhibits the oxidation state equal to its group no. ?
Ans : MnŌ¹ oxidation state is +7
           CrŌ² oxidation state is +6
In what way is the e.c. Of the transition elements different from that of the non transition elements ?
Ans: in transition elements  d orbitals are progressively filled whereas in non transition elements outer most s or p orbitals are progressively filled.
5.what are the different oxidation states exhibited by the lanthanoids ?
Ans : common oxidation  state of lanthanoid is +3 ,+2 and +4.
6.predict which of the following will be coloured in aqueous solution Ti³ , V³ , Cu, Sc³ , Mn² , Fe³ and Co² .give reasons for each.
Ans: Ti³, V³,Mn² , Fe³, Co² as they contain unpaired electrons.
. Compare the chemistry of actinoids with that of lanthanoids with special reference to :-
       i)            Electronic configuration
    ii)            Atomic and ionic sizes
 iii)            Oxidation state
 iv)            Chemical reactivity
Ans. I) e.c :- in lanthanoids 4f orbitals are progressively filled whereas in actinoids 5f are progressively filled
Ii)oxidation state :- lanthanoids show +3 state some shows +2 and +4 .
    but actinoids show +3,+4,+5,+6,+7 oxidation state. +3 and +4 are common.
Iii)atomic and ionic sizes :- decreases from left to right in both.but decreases more in case of actinoids.
Iv) chemical reactivity :- actinoids are more reactive than lanthanoids.

9. How would you account for the following :-
I) of the d4 species,Cr² is strongly reducing while Mn(iii) is strongly oxidising.
Ii) co(ii) is stable in aqueous solution but in presence of complexing reagents it is easily oxidised.
Iii) the d¹ configuration is very unstable in ions
Ans : i)Cr² is reducing agent ,it change to Cr³ by loosing electron, Cr³ is more stable due to half filled state. Mn³ is oxidising agent, reduced to mn² which is half filled and very stable.
Ii)Co(2) is oxidised to Co(3) because Co(3) is more stable .
Iii) because after loosing electron it become more stable.       

10. What is meant by ‘disproportionation’ ?give an eg of disproportionation reaction in aqueous solution.
Ans: in disproportionation reaction ,an element undergoes oxidation and reduction both. 
Eg:-  2Cu à Cu + Cu²
11. Which metal in first series of transition metal exhibits +1 oxidation state most frequently and why ?
Ans : Cu exhibits +1 oxidation state ,by loosing one electron ,the cation ion aquires a stable configuration of d orbital.

12.give examples and suggest reasons for the following features of the transition metal chemistry :-
       I)            The lowest oxide of transition metal is basic ; the highest amphoteric/acidic.
    II)            A transition metal exhibits highest oxidation state in oxides and flourides.
 III)            Iii) the highest oxidation state is exhibited in oxo-anions of a metal.
 IV)            Ans : i) in lowest oxidation state ,ionic bond is formed ,less number of electrons are involved. Oxide donate electrons and behave like a base. In the highest oxidation state , covalent bond is formed .in high oxidation state more electrons are involved in bonding.oxide can gain electron, behave like lewis acid.
Ii)because oxygen and fluorine are strong oxidising agent ,higly electronegative element.
Iii) due to high electronegativity of oxygen.

13.what are alloys ? Name an important alloy which contains some of lanthanoid metals. Mention its uses.
Ans: alloy are homogenous mixture of two or more metals . Misch metal is an alloy ,which contains 45% lanthanoid metals (iron 5% ,traces of S,C,Ca,Al).
Used to produce bullets ,shells and lighter flint. 3% misch metal to mg used in making jet engine parts.
14. What are inner transition elements ? Decide which of the following atomic numbers are atomic numbers of inner transition elements : 29,59,74,95,102,104.
Ans- lanthanoids and actinoids are called inner transition elements because inner f orbitals are progressively filled.     z= 58 to 71 are lanthanoids , z= 90 to 103 are actinoids , so atomic no. 59,95,102 belong to inner transition elements.
15. The chemistry of actinoid is not smooth as that of the lanthanoids .justify this statement by giving some examples from the oxidation state of these elements.
Ans: lanthanoids exhibits +2,+3,+4 oxidation state out of these +3 is most common lanthanoids shows +3 oxidation state.
16. Which is the last element in the series of the actinoids ? Write the electronic configuration of this element . Comment on the possible oxidation state of this element.
Ans: Ir¹³ is the best actinoid. Its electronic configuration is [Rn]⁸⁶5f¹6d¹7s².the possible oxidation state is +3.

 d and f block elements  HOTS
Q1. Among the first transition metals, which divalent metal ion has maximum paramagnetic character and why?                                                                                    
Ans:  Mn2+, because of maximum number of unpaired electrons.
 Q2. Give the chemical equation for the reaction between MnO4 and C2O4.   
(Ans)  2MnO4 + 16H+ + 5C2O4−2 → 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2.
Q3. Which is the stronger reducing agent Cr2+ or Fe2+ and why?                                   
(Ans)  Cr2+ is stronger reducing agent than Fe2+ because E0 Cr3+/ Cr2+ is -0.41V and E0 Fe3+/Fe2+ is +0.77 V so Cr2+ is easily oxidized to Cr3+ but Fe2+ is not easily oxidized to Fe3+ .
Q4. In the series Sc to Zn the enthalpy of atomization of zinc is lowest why?    
(Ans)  In this series all the elements have one or more unpaired electrons except zinc. Its outer electronic configuration is 3d104s2.This shows that the atomic inter metallic bonding in zinc is weakest. so enthalpy of atomization is lowest.
Q5. Which of the 3d series of the transition metals exhibits the largest number of oxidation states and why?                                                                                          
(Ans)  Mn show largest number oxidation state. Its electronic configuration is 3d54s2. The energy of 3d and 4s are close. So, it has maximum number of electrons to loose or share and it shows maximum number of oxidation states from +2 to +7.
Q6. Copper I compounds are white and diamagnetic but copper II compounds are coloured and paramagnetic. Why?                                                                                          
(Ans)  In copper I ion all orbitals are completely filled so its compounds are white and diamagnetic. The electronic configuration of copper II ion is 1s22s22p63s23p63d9. it has one unpaired electron so it is paramagnetic and forms blue coloured compounds.
Q7. How does the ionic and  covalent character of the compounds of a transitional metal vary with its oxidation states?                                                                                                   
(Ans)  As the oxidation states increases more and more valence shell electrons are involved in bonding. The atomic core becomes less shielded and the force of attraction on the electrons increased because of this ionic character of bonds decreases with increase in oxidation state.
Q8. The E0 (M2+/M) value for copper is positive (+ 0.34). What is the possible reason for this?                                                                                                                                         
(Ans)  E0 (M2+ / M) for any metal is the sum of the enthalpy changes taking place in the following steps:
M(s) + Δa H -→M(g), ΔaH = enthalpy of atomization
M(g) + Δi H →M2+(g), ΔiH = ionization enthalpy
M2+(g) + aq → M2+(aq)hyd H,ΔhydH = hydration enthalpy
Copper has high enthalpy of atomization and low enthalpy of hydration so E0 (Cu2+ / Cu) is positive.
Q9. Calculate the “spin only” magnetic moment of M2+(aq) ion (Z= 27).                       
(Ans)  Electronic configuration of M atom is 1s22s22p63s23p63d74s2. It has three unpaired electrons in d orbitals. Magnetic moment = √ n(n+2) BM
        = √3 (3+2)
        = √15 3.87 BM
Q10. How does +2 oxidation state becomes more and more stable in the first half of the first row transition elements with increasing atomic number?                                           
(Ans)  The sum of first and second ionization enthalpies increases with increasing atomic number so the standard reduction potentials become less and less negative. Hence the +2 oxidation state becomes more and more stable.

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