Friday, 15 July 2016


Objectives of the Virtual Labs:
To provide remote-access to Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering. These Virtual Labs would cater to students at the undergraduate level, post graduate level as well as to research scholars.
To enthuse students to conduct experiments by the arousing their curiosity. This would help them in learning basic and advanced concepts through remote experimentation.
To provide a complete Learning Management System around the Virtual Labs where the students can avail the various tools for learning, including additional web-resources, video-lectures, animated demonstrations and self evaluation.
To share costly equipment and resources, which are otherwise available to limited number of users due to constraints on time and geographical distances.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

chemical reactions involved in qualitative analysis

volumetric titration

volumetric titration class xii

to prepare crystals of potash alum

preparation of mohr salt

chromatography practical class xii

qualitative analysis

amazing chemistry professor hunter

magic chemistry practical aspect

amazing chemical reactions